5 puntos estratégicos a implementarse en las Aduanas en México
Existe un reto logístico y operativo en las aduanas Mexicanas que realizan más de 44 mil operaciones diarias, el arribo de 57 mil pasajeros internacionales y 29 mil vehículos de carga que cruzan la frontera todos los días y se espera que este panorama incremente con las nuevas reformas estructurales, las aduanas de México serán reorganizadas para atender el desafío que implican, buscando que para diciembre por lo menos se cuente con una de estas instalaciones.
“En la entrevista para el programa Arquitectura Aduanera, Ricardo Treviño Chapa, Administrador General de Aduanas (AGA), habló sobre las normas aduaneras a través de las reformas del 2013, la implementación que se tendrá en un futuro y los impactos que tiene el Comercio exterior y Aduanas en México.”
Dio a conocer que la materia aduanera tiene alcances muy importantes en diversos sectores, por lo que el contexto operativo de aduanas es muy importante al tener al año 16 millones de operaciones, representar casi el 70% de lo que se recauda de IVA para el país, prácticamente el 30% de la recaudación total del país, y el 65% del PIB está vinculado con las aduanas.
Por otro lado, la firma del Acuerdo Transpacífico de Cooperación Económica también conocido como TPP, por sus siglas en inglés, incrementará la demanda logística y operativa en México, conjugando el acuerdo y las políticas públicas que derivan de las reformas estructurales; energética, telecomunicaciones y el crecimiento de la inversión extranjera directa, será indispensable contar con una aduana asertiva, con modelos de riesgo y controles no intrusivos que para las empresas confiables se traduzca en una aduana ágil.
Bajo todo este contexto Treviño expresó una frase que refleja la importancia de este sector: “En aduanas tienes alcances en materia de desarrollo económico para el país, de productividad, temas de recaudación, es un pilar importante en los ingresos de nuestro país, también tienen en materia de controles una responsabilidad importante en materia de seguridad nacional, entonces es muy amplio el aspecto de aduana y nos dimos a la tarea de organizarnos en 5 aspectos donde intentamos englobar los retos que nos presentaba la operación aduanera”.
“Como primer punto comentamos el pilar de Aduana Inteligente, con el cual se busca ser una aduana 100% automatizada e implementar modelos de riesgo que permitan revisar poco pero de una manera más asertiva a través del uso de la tecnología y mayor información de análisis de riesgo, con lo que actualmente han incrementado de un nivel de alertas de éxito de un 1.5% a un 32 por ciento.”
Asimismo una Aduana Transparente para hacer públicos los procesos, criterios y operaciones creando un nuevo manual de operación aduanera que ya se ha socializado con los diversos sectores y que por primera vez en la historia será público; otro punto es la Aduana Competitiva, centrada en una reingeniería y creación de procesos, e impulsar figuras que estaban atoradas desde hace años como el despacho conjunto, el despacho en origen, y el despacho a domicilio en planta directamente.
Además la Aduana Vinculada, que implica el acercamiento a los usuarios, ya que anteriormente no se recibían; estableciendo un área de facilitación y atención con la cual se mantienen constantemente en contacto a través de la mesa de competitividad, la mesa de operación aduanera, y la mesa del combate a la ilegalidad donde han recogido las principales preocupaciones de las cámaras y asociaciones para enfocar ahí las acciones de la aduana.
Y el último punto es la Aduana Global, que involucra esa relación e intercambio de información con los principales socios comerciales y la adopción de mejores prácticas, puntualizando la participación de México como vicepresidente de la región Américas y Caribe en la Organización Mundial de Aduanas logrando por primera vez un plan de trabajo regional con un plan y una visión conjunta desde Estados Unidos hasta Argentina en materia aduanera y de facilitación.
El significado de los planteamientos nos introduce al comercio exterior desde sus cimientos.
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There is a logistic and operational challenge in the Mexican Customs that carry out more than 44 thousand daily operations, the arrival of 57 thousand international passengers and 29 thousand cargo vehicles that cross the border every day and this overview is expected to increase with the new structural reforms, Mexico’s Customs will be reorganized to face the challenge that they involve in order to have at least one of these facilities by December.
“In the interview for the program Customs Architecture, Ricardo Treviño Chapa, Customs General Administrator, talked about the customs norms through the 2013 reforms, the implementation that will exist in the future and the impacts that Foreign Trade and Mexico´s Customs have.”
He said that the customs field has very important extents in different sectors; consequently the operative context of the customs is very important since there are 16 million operations a year, representing almost 70% of the VAT collected for the country, practically 30% of the collected total of the country, and 65% of the GDP is linked to the customs.
Furthermore, the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership also known as the TPP, for its English acronym, will increase the logistic and operational demand in Mexico, combining the agreement and the public policies caused by the structural reforms; energetic, telecommunications, and the growth of foreign direct investment, will be essential to have an assertive customs, with risk models and non-intrusive controls that for the companies translate into an agile customs.
Under all that context, Treviño expressed a phrase that reflects the importance of this sector: “In customs you have scopes in the field of economic development for the country, productivity, collecting topics, it is an important cornerstone in the income of our country, you also have in the controls´ field an important responsibility in national security, therefore, the aspect of the customs is very extensive and we gave ourselves the task to organize 5 aspects where we try to embrace the challenges that the customs operation presented”.
“As a first point we discussed the cornerstone of the Intelligent Customs, of which the purpose is to be a 100% automated customs and implement risk models that allow verifying a little but in a more assertive way through the use of technology and greater risk analysis information, where currently there has been an increase in the successful alerts level from 1.5% to a 32%.”
Also, a Transparent Customs in order to make the processes, criteria, and operations public, creating a new customs operation manual that has been socialized with the different sectors and that for the first time in the history will be public; another point, is the Competitive Customs centered in a reengineering and creation of processes, and promoting figures that were stuck since many year ago like the joint dispatch, the origin dispatch, and the direct dispatch to plant address.
Likewise, the Linked Customs that involve the approach to the users, since they didn´t receive it before; establishing a facilitation and attention area with whom they are in constant contact through the competitiveness panel, the customs operation panel, and the illegal combat panel where the main concerns have been picked up by the chambers and associations to focus there the customs´ actions.
And the last point is the Global Customs, that involves that relation and Exchange of information with the first trade partners and the adoption of better practices, emphasizing that the participation of Mexico as vice-president of the Americas and Caribbean Region in the World Customs Organization obtaining for the first time a regional work plan and a joint vision from the United Stated of America up to Argentina in the customs field and of facilitation.
The meaning of the approaches introduces us to foreign trade from its foundations.
Comment and follow me on Twitter: @TLCasociados
5 strategic points to implement in Mexico´s Customs
There is a logistic and operational challenge in the Mexican Customs that carry out more than 44 thousand daily operations, the arrival of 57 thousand international passengers and 29 thousand cargo vehicles that cross the border every day and this overview is expected to increase with the new structural reforms, Mexico´s Customs will be reorganized to face the challenge that they involve in order to have at least one of these facilities by December.
In the interview for the program Customs Architecture, Ricardo Treviño Chapa, Customs General Administrator, talked about the customs norms through the 2013 reforms, the implementation that will exist in the future and the impacts that Foreign Trade and Mexico´s Customs have.
He said that the customs field has very important extents in different sectors; consequently the operative context of the customs is very important since there are 16 million operations a year, representing almost 70% of the VAT collected for the country, practically 30% of the collected total of the country, and 65% of the GDP is linked to the customs.
Furthermore, the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership also known as the TPP, for its English acronym, will increase the logistic and operational demand in Mexico, combining the agreement and the public policies caused by the structural reforms; energetic, telecommunications, and the growth of foreign direct investment, will be essential to have an assertive customs, with risk models and non-intrusive controls that for the companies translate into an agile customs.
Under all that context, Treviño expressed a phrase that reflects the importance of this sector: “In customs you have scopes in the field of economic development for the country, productivity, collecting topics, it is an important cornerstone in the income of our country, you also have in the controls´ field an important responsibility in national security, therefore, the aspect of the customs is very extensive and we gave ourselves the task to organize 5 aspects where we try to embrace the challenges that the customs operation presented”.
As a first point we discussed the cornerstone of the Intelligent Customs, of which the purpose is to be a 100% automated customs and implement risk models that allow verifying a little but in a more assertive way through the use of technology and greater risk analysis information, where currently there has been an increase in the successful alerts level from 1.5% to a 32%.
Also, a Transparent Customs in order to make the processes, criteria, and operations public, creating a new customs operation manual that has been socialized with the different sectors and that for the first time in the history will be public; another point, is the Competitive Customs centered in a reengineering and creation of processes, and promoting figures that were stuck since many year ago like the joint dispatch, the origin dispatch, and the direct dispatch to plant address.
Likewise, the Linked Customs that involve the approach to the users, since they didn´t receive it before; establishing a facilitation and attention area with whom they are in constant contact through the competitiveness panel, the customs operation panel, and the illegal combat panel where the main concerns have been picked up by the chambers and associations to focus there the customs´ actions.
And the last point is the Global Customs, that involves that relation and Exchange of information with the first trade partners and the adoption of better practices, emphasizing that the participation of Mexico as vice-president of the Americas and Caribbean Region in the World Customs Organization obtaining for the first time a regional work plan and a joint vision from the United Stated of America up to Argentina in the customs field and of facilitation.
The meaning of the approaches introduces us to foreign trade from its foundations.
Comment and follow me on Twitter: @TLCasociados
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