Release of Goods Through the MATCE
It is made of your knowledge that the Bulletin No. 075 concerning the new MODEL OF FOREIGN TRADE TAX ADMINISTRATION (MATCE), OPERATION DOCUMENT FOR CUSTOMS CLEARANCE (DODA) RELEASE OF INTERNET PORTAL FOR THE GENERATION OF DODA was published on the SAT´s portal where it is indicated that to activate the automated selection mechanism for the release of goods, this will be made without having to submit the notice or corresponding customs declaration, as well as the “format of document relation”, and in substitution the format called “Document of Customs Clearance” (DODA), with the dimensional barcode QR. It is worth noting, that the site to access the generation, administration and consultation of the DODA is already enabled in the portal of processes and services to the taxpayer (
Also, the guidelines and frequently asked questions in regards to the DODA are available in the following link::
Finally, the phone number 01 (55) 5757 5756 is placed at your disposal to report incidents related to the features of generation, modification, elimination, and consultation of DODA.
Consult with the experts of TLC Asociados the updates to the normativity to fulfill its correct compliance.
This publication can be checked in the following link:
Without anything else at this moment, do not hesitate to contact us.
Foreign Trade and Customs Consultancy Division of
TLC Asociados, S.C.
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